Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Daughter's First Reading

Today, I was doing a nine-card reading with my Fenestra tarot deck. My daughter decided to come over and take a look at my cards.

She pointed at the Four of Wands, and said "I like that card. It has pretty flowers." This is a great card, symbolizing foundations and family. We have a close-knit, happy family too, so this card fits perfectly.

Then she pointed at the Nine of Swords. "I don't like that one. That girl is crying." So, she then picked up the Seven of Pentacles and moved it next to the Nine of Swords. "That will make her feel better," she said. I have been stressing out a lot lately, and taking the time to assess my life so far and track my progress will make things much more manageable! All of these cards have been coming up recently, and my sweet daughter took care of the meanings, as simply as possible.

This is the first time I've let her touch my tarot cards, and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well she did! I'm also a bit proud too. Kids are so blessed with their gift of innocence and intuition, and she is no exception.



  1. A lovely story :). It's a good way to get her used to the cards. Get her to make up some stories!

  2. Kids haven't learned that intuition/psychic ability is "wrong." They are much more in tune with theirs than most adults.


  3. Aww, she's so beautiful and in touch with her intuition.

  4. I think we are all suckers for cute kids doing cute stuff!


  5. I love the way that kids can simplify everything - so sweet. :)

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