Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fenestra Tarot Deck - Four of Cups

My tarot card for this morning is the Four of Cups. A card full of emotion, and one I can personally relate to, as an emotional Cancer sign myself. I spend a lot of time here, working with the energy of the Four of Cups, and applying it to my daily life.

My first impressions:

The young man in this card at first appears disinterested in the cup offered to him. As if the first three cups weren't enough, the fourth is a token that is just not welcome right now. His hair is loose and his dress lax, and he has a thin choker-style necklace. In the background is a dark blue tree, growing in reverse! The leaves point down to the ground and curl around themselves, and the branches do the same.

My thoughts:

The apparent disinterest is in reality depression, as all of the bountiful gifts that life has to offer aren't enough to snap the man out of it. After the life of celebrations in the Three of Cups, the allure of excitement has lost its luster. Life doesn't seem to make any sense anymore, everything is working against him. He is stuck in a cycle of mixed feelings, and has to take time out to reflect and heal. I also see this card as one of stagnation, of wallowing in the mire of depressed feelings. When things don't turn out as expected, it takes time to evaluate and understand your place in the world. The advice that this card holds is that you need to be aware of your emotions, no matter how dark and confused they may be. Accept the fact that this is how you feel, and don't beat yourself up for feeling this way. Life still has a lot to offer, but now is a time for reflection, contemplation, and understanding, of yourself and the world around you.


Image Credit: Taroteca


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